This New Moon will feel like a breath of fresh air for everyone. Sometimes there is a confusion around Aquarius, it’s an air sign, but called the Water Bearer, because Aquarius is always bringing new, universal ideas and asking us to swim in the new universal consciousness being offered us. Aquarius is always reminding us of our need to step into our own future, and to open, expand, and progress your own picture of what a wonderful life means to you. The qualities of this New Moon are: Independence, Aspirations, Expansion, Group Endeavors, Activated Vision, and the Social Collective. Write ten intentions around those words, write about embracing your personal, all the way through your universal aspirations. Think about how much resonance you can generate by knowing the we are creating, moment by moment, our own tomorrow. That means stop living in the past, and with this dynamic New Moon, really stepping into the future.
Mars, the planet of action, turns retrograde on Jan. 23, at 23° Virgo; it stations direct on April 12 at 4° Virgo and again reaches 23° on June 19th. Mars usually is in a sign for about two months, but Mars will be here in Virgo for almost eight months, it moved into Virgo in Nov. of 2011, and will move on into Libra on July 3 of this year! Mars is focusing on us taking this extra time to not only know what isn’t in harmony in our lives, but what actions are we willing to take to change that.
And, since Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and as we know, Uranus is in Aries for these next six years, there will be no marginally agreeing to a maybe. This New Moon really is asking us to see the world in a new light. Look at this New Moon and remember: “ . . . Dream the impossible dream and the world will no grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick . . . This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it’s a feather bed.” (Terrence McKenna)
by Nancy Ogren
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