We are in a space of not being able to avoid the intensity of the energies of this Full Moon. There’s so much to contend with, we really are going to have to know that this isn’t the time to make any life-altering decisions. The second of seven exact squares between Uranus and Pluto happened on the 19th, and will continue its intensity for a few months, particularly around the New and Full Moons. We’re in a process, and we must continue to move through that process, on many levels.
The other piece of the puzzle to contend with is: there are no planets in earth signs except Pluto, which doesn’t bring us much of sense of being anchored, so we may feel particularly ungrounded, which adds to a sense of not being able to see a real, bigger picture.

Step up, it’s your life, feel free to live it with all the enthusiasm you can muster,
Nancy Ogren
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