Sunday, November 4, 2012

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

This Wednesday, a new class, Ashtanga Inspired Yoga: for all levels is on the schedule for 6:00p.m. with Wade.  Interested in Ashtanga Yoga? What is it exactly? Well the word Ashtanga is a Sanscrit word that translates in english as 8 limb union. So what does that mean? In the Yoga Sutras written by yogi sage, Patanjali around 200 AD, outlines an 8 limb path as Yoga.  These 8 aspects of yoga include the yoga poses, but that is just 1 of the 8.  The other limbs are
Yama = Moral codes
Niyama = Self observation
The Yama's and the Niyamas are the ethical observances or how we treat ourselves and each other.
Asana = Postures
A tool to calm the mind and move into the inner essence of being.
Pranayama = Breath
Pranayama controls the energy (prana) of a living being. By balancing our breath, we are balancing the vital energy of our body.
Pratyahara = Drawing your senses inward
Dharana = Concentration
Dhyana = Meditatation
We sever the link between mind and senses, and the senses withdraw.  When the senses are no longer tied to external sources, the result is restraint or pratyahara.  We do this through meditation and holding our concentration on one direction.
Samadhi = A state of joy and peace

In Ashtanga yoga, the asanas are a specific sequence of poses, linked with a specific breath (ujjai breath), concentration on engaging the bandhas (ingaged energy centers such as the pelvic floor, navel and lower abdomen) and drishti (a focused gaze, to develop concentrated intention).

So you begin the practice with Sun Salutations.  
Then the poses that follow include forward bends, triangle, revolved triangle, side angle, revolved, balance poses, warrior 1 and 2.  Then move to sitting forward bends, twists, arm balances, back bends and inversions.

Ashtanga practice is quite vigorous, linking pranayama (breath) to the movement the flow of Ashtanga yoga gives you quite a workout. The concentration of the mind and the intention of the practice is powerful.

Over time, as you practice the intention of Ashtanga yoga, you will see your body, mind and spirit get stronger, more flexible and experience Samadhi, on and off your yoga mat.

Join us this Wednesday evening 6:00 p.m. for an Ashtanga practice led by Wade Cockburn at the Yoga Space at Pilates Place of The Woodlands. 

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